Hero designs were made to last a lifetime, which is why, at AMC Design, we focus on longevity of style over trends when designing a new scheme for our clients.
Before taking the plunge however and purchasing those pieces you’ve always wanted, it is worth thinking about how long you intend to stay in this property. Is it your forever home, perhaps a second home, or maybe it is one you only intend to stay in for up to five years.
If this property is your forever home, the ultimate piece of advice I can offer as an interior designer is to look forward – plan ahead and don’t forget the life cycle of key items, such as upholstery. This essential part of any design scheme has a traditional lifespan of approximately 10 years, so it is worth thinking about where you and your scheme will be in a decade’s time.
Perhaps you have young children, and by then they will be fully fledged teenagers, almost ready to leave the nest, or maybe they will be older and have already left home. If you have young children, always bear in mind that, despite how well behaved they are, sticky fingers can always rear their ugly heads, so it might be worth waiting for the iconic white sofa of your dreams until the next 10-year cycle, just to make sure it then lasts the course!
Your home should evolve with you and your family, as it is also likely that your style will evolve and change as you pick up inspiration throughout your life.
Regardless of how long you intend to stay in the property, quality should always be top of your priority list. Whether it is for your first investment as a first-time homeowner, or you’re looking for a special piece that will last as you travel into your later years.
But where do I start?
The key to a project that lasts is the bones. If the bones are solid, clean and built to last, using good quality materials, the scheme will weather the test of time, with refreshes here and there.
Upholstery choices have a huge part to play here. As well as bringing an entire scheme together, upholstery, in the form of curtains, furniture and accessories, becomes the decorative glue that ties colours and themes throughout a space.
When thinking about your new design scheme, it can be helpful to find a piece of fabric that makes you smile from ear to ear. From this swatch can stem colour and texture ideas that can be used throughout the space to form a truly collaborative home.
If this is your first home and you are lucky enough to have gathered a collection of inherited furniture to furnish your new property, it is worth remembering that it is the little bits that will make it your own – a cushion here, a throw there, will be the bones of your new home interiors style, which will then evolve as you age. So, if budgets allow, it is worth investing in a quality piece that will stand the test of time, and always remind you of your first steps onto the property ladder.
If you are thinking of downsizing in the next 10 years, it is also worth considering accessories and furniture that will evolve with you physically. You may find that you need sofas at a more manageable height, or curtains that have improved thermal quality. Why not think ahead, and ensure you purchase quality fabrics and furnishings that offer good value for money in the long term.
The art of selecting art
Art is a wonderful way to express your style and is often a well thought through purchase. A space that is devoid of art can been empty and sparce. It is a wonderful way to personalise a space, tying together each room by theme, which will create interest.
When selecting a piece, take time to consider whether you will love it for the long term, or whether it will be a fleeting addition. For example, when thinking about décor for a child’s bedroom, it is worth considering how their taste and interests may change quite frequently. Wallpaper and framed posters are an excellent way to add style and substance, without breaking the bank, and can easily be updated as tastes change.
Whereas, in your more formal spaces or master suite, a piece of investment art can act as the anchor from which the room’s design scheme is based, plus it is always sure to be a strong talking point.
Don’t be scared to think ahead and plan for the long term when designing your home. If you’re interested in exploring design options, please reach out to us.