Merry Christmas 2020 Style!

15 Dec 2020

Merry Christmas, 2020 style!

By this stage in December, I’m normally packing for our annual Christmas trip back to Ireland, but like so many, our plans are different this year.

For those whose Christmas plans have been thrown into disarray by the change in rules and travel restrictions, my heart goes out to you. We have all soldiered through this year as best we can and it’s so rubbish that the last minute change to the rules means that the one thing keeping so many people going is now off the cards for so many.

A Christmas ritual: decorating the trees

What hasn’t changed though is the annual 1 December Cousins ritual of decorating the Christmas trees.

The ritual of dressing and decorating our three Christmas trees was also a reminder that some things haven’t changed this year. And it seems like lots of people agreed- everyone seems to have put their tree up earlier than usual.  The children wanted the trees up and fully decorated by 1 December and as ever they went mad with their tree in the playroom and then got bored decorating the other two after about 10 minutes. It did mean that I had full creative control though which is never a bad thing (and meant I didn’t have to redo the tree after they went to bed)!

Merry Christmas and a huge thank you

I’ve shared just a couple of photos and in my social media feeds but there are lots more over on the Yorkshire Post website.

I was thrilled to be featured in the Yorkshire Post on 12 December in the Lifestyle section (you need to register to read it online, but it’s free to do so). I was interviewed by Sharon Dale while photographer Heidi Marfitt captures my Christmas decorations and interiors beautifully. The feature really is a lovely way to finish off the working year.

All that’s left is to say a huge thank you. It’s been tough year for everyone (understatement of the year?), and I just want to thank you for all your support.

Whatever your plans are now for Christmas, I wish you all a very happy and healthy Christmas and I’ll see you in the New Year for more interiors chat.

Ann Marie

Open fire with a white mantelpiece & Christmas decorations