A Riot Of Colour, An Office Move and A Family Trip To London

9 Jun 2021

Interiors news: a riot of colour

June? Really, we’re at the end of June already? I mean thank God for the blue skies and sun after a dismal May but I’m struggling to work out how we’ve ended up here.

Swapping God’s own for the big smoke

One thing I definitely remember doing is leaving West Yorkshire for London at half term (which already feels like a long-distance memory). We did a house swap  which was a great way to get away and show the kids London. We packed a fair amount into a few days, from the Cutty Sark and Natural History Museum to Hamleys and Claridge’s. We walked for miles.

Yep. We took three children aged 12 and under to Claridge’s for afternoon tea. We were married there 15 years ago and wanted to show the kids. Totally decadent and a real treat, and yes, the kids were primed to be on their best behaviour. I also brought spare clothes for them to get changed into – I wasn’t taking any chances that they would be presentable after ice creams at the London Eye, and to their credit they were brilliant.

And in case you were feeling hungry, here’s a link to the Claridge’s website with all the mouth-watering  details.

All hands-on deck

Other than the London break it’s been all hands-on deck at AMC Design. We’ve been inundated with people wanting to inject fresh colour and style into their homes. Whether that’s a reaction to having spent a lot of time at home over the past year, holiday budgets being swapped to interiors I don’t know. All I do know is that as I look through my to-do list, I can see a lot of people wanting to embrace colour. And I’m thrilled! Not only to be working on some great projects, but to see so many people wanting to go for it.

It means all the plates are spinning and I’m dreaming in technicolour at night while my brain is an ever-spinning rolodex of paint colours, wallpaper and fabric samples during the day. And I love it.


AMC Design: on the move

I know what else is happening, I’ve decided to move my office. After 3 years climbing all the stairs to my top floor office at the back of The Grove with its views across the rooftops of Ilkley, I’ve decided to corner some unused space in our garage. I’ve even had a little AMC Design sign made so it’s got to happen now.

The project started back in April but as the trades working on my home office are also working on my client projects – my office is most definitely at the bottom of the priority list (and rightly so). It will be worth it, but I know I’m going to have to work hard to keep those blurry home/work lines super clear. Maybe I should start with finding a new home for the 3.5m wide trampoline that’s currently blocking the new office door?

In the meantime, here’s a little sneaky peak of some of the interiors’ decisions I’ve made already. This is the wallpaper I’ve chosen for one of the walls and I can’t wait to see it in place, especially once the ceiling has been painted gold. Seriously, you didn’t expect me to do understated, did you?

I’m also having built-in storage with brass plinths and skirting while the other walls will be painted in Bracken Slate by Benjamin Moore.

I’ve also ordered an office chair and the Karlsson Flip clock will means I have zero excuses for ever being late for school pick up ever again (maybe)!

Office chairs are often not a thing of beauty but adding a gorgeous teal blue fabric on the seat means it will tie in with my wallpaper and will give great support.

Home working: the artist’s way

Talking of working from home (now there’s a subject that’s dominated many a conversation this past year and a bit), I’m excited to be working on a slightly different type of home working client project. It’s an artist’s home studio in north Yorkshire where the priority is to give her artwork breathing space and because she teaches online, make sure it’s shown off to its best when it’s on Zoom.

Storage (and lots of it) is the other priority along with laying cork flooring for acoustic reasons. This is the one we’re going for.

If you’ve never thought about cork flooring, take a look. No longer confined to the 70s, it’s a hard wearing, practical and very environmentally friendly because cork self-renews.

Being brave with colour in your home

I mentioned earlier that it really feels like clients are being super open to ideas and being brave with colour and texture. Happy for me to push or nudge them more than they might do left to their own devices. So, it’s weird flicking through the latest (July) edition of Living etc. where so many of the interiors seem pale and interesting, despite the bright blue front cover.

I know the Scandi look is loved by many, and it’s easy to see why. Clean lines and pared back interiors are very seductive, particularly when you’re at that stage of family life where keeping on top of toys, washing, clothes – everyone’s belongings – feels like a constant struggle.

But up here in Yorkshire, bold colour suits the light and homes so much more. It brings depth, fun and interest to a home and let’s face it, pattern can be very forgiving in a busy family home (if you get what I mean!)

A riot of colour: the shopping list

With that in mind, here’s just a taster of some of the paint colours, fabrics and wallpapers currently on my project list.

Benjamin Moore: NY Blues paint

Lucy Tiffany: lagoon wallpaper

Cole & sons: Prism wallpaper

Zoffany Cochin: Jaipur fabric

Muck & brass curtains: Chimiracle in Emerald 

A riot of colour, texture and pattern and seeing homes come to life in front of our very eyes makes all the plate spinning worthwhile.

Final words

Before I leave you, I wanted to just say a huge thank you to everyone who voted for me in the International Interior Design Awards. The winners were due to be announced in March, that was put back to June, and now it’s anyone’s guess when it might happen.

It’s a shame but in the grand scheme of Covid, it’s just something else that’s had to go by the by. It doesn’t take away from how overwhelmingly delighted and pleased I was to be shortlisted and for all your lovely comments on the house refurbishment we entered. Thank you!